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"Red River Run"



718 11TH sTREET cLAY cITY, ky 40312



July 12th 2025



"Red River Run"


July 12th 2025

"Red River Run"

*Dragstrip Gates will open at 9am, competitors will register at the front gate.

Track prep will be Street Prep, Tune accordingly, the track will be sprayed and the track drag used to work the traction compound in. This is not radial prep nor high Prep, it's street prep.

Must drive vehicle into facility and be ready to run.  No changing tires, no pulling trailers, no hitch platforms. If you have a truck then nothing in the bed, nothing in roof racks.


Make sure your fuel cells/tanks are full. No fuel jugs, vehicles will be checked upon arrival, There will be a gas station stop incorporated.

*No trailering, no trailer dropping around Clay City or surrounding areas, if reported with proof you will be disqualified. If you're going to hide it then it better be hidden good.

This is a real street event, if you break down, over heat and can't keep up then do your best to catch up legally. Everyone will be tracked on life360, maybe.

*Each Competitor will be required to go straight to the staging lanes upon entering the facility, no stopping in the pits. If you need to use the bathroom park your vehicle in the staging lanes first.

*Everyone will make one pass starting at 10am, once everyone makes their first pass then we will go directly into everybody's second pass. Once everyone makes their second pass we will shut down the track and leave for the cruise. After each pass go directly back to the staging lanes.

We will leave the Dragstrip with the pace car headed to Slade Ky and eat, from there we will run the "Red River Gorge then head to Mt. Sterling Ky. After that we will head to Winchester Ky and then back to Kentucky Dragway. This might change but is the plan at this point. Some highway but mostly back roads with scheduled stops you will be notified on the day of the event.

There will be check points built into the route where you will have 15 minutes to catch up and will be adjusted depending on Entries. If you have to use the bathroom then we suggest you don't fall behind. There will be one stop built in for eating and that time frame will be adjusted depending on many factors, attendance numbers and so on.

Once pace car leaves each stop and arrives at the next pit stop you will have 15 minutes to arrive, if this is adjusted everyone will be notified.

Once pace car makes it back to the Drag Strip you will have 15 minutes to arrive and you will go straight to the staging lanes with no pitting. If we adjust stop times everyone will be notified of said event once again.


Back at the Track:
*Two passes back to back once we get back:
Everyone will make one pass, once everyone makes their first pass then we will go directly into their second pass once we are able to. Once everyone makes their second pass which in actually their 4th total then we will go into totaling everyone's average.

An average of your 4 passes will be your time. This is a True Street prepped track so tune accordingly. You get only 4 passes total.


Awards go to each competitor in the top 20
Each competitor will be recognized in the order they finished.

This is a True Street Drag & Drive style event, *No Electric Vehicles 

If adjustments are to be made it will be discussed in a drivers meeting. Times may need adjusted depending on attendance. 




True Street

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