The Fantasy League system will work as so; this league will be based on the racers performance under a detailed Kentucky Dragway's points series. Everyone, including racers themselves can participate to earn prizes and many other things we will offer during the 2025 season. You will be able to pick one racer per class category which will consist of TOP ET, MODIFIED, SPORTSMAN, JR. DRAGSTER, Classes may be added.
POWER RANKING system. This again, will be subject to the racers. We will take a modified points system based and formulate a top 10 list per month. (Monthly accumulations start on the first event to the last event of the calendar month.) The idea behind this power ranking system will encourage racer and fan engagement with our Fantasy league, as well as give the publicity to the top performers the track see’s that month.
The picks that you make are LOCKED on a month to month basis. So the picks that you make will be unchangeable from the first event to the last event of the calendar month. Once the last event of the calendar month ends, you will have the opportunity to make changes to your lineup up until the first event of the next calendar month. These changes MUST be submitted and are date stamped. Top points accumulation from participants will receive prizes/winnings monthly based off the Power Ranking System. (First race of the month to the last race is the time frame for point accumulation).
We are incredibly excited to witness record fan and racer engagement this year, and hope that we can get more people outside the sport involved that will in turn increase event sizes, racer payouts, and overall community traffic through Kentucky Dragway. We look forward to a year of continuing innovation to this GREAT sport!
Racers will be added weekly. The List below is just to get things started!
Don't see a racers name? You can add them by clicking other!​​​